We are electromagnetic beings vibrating in different frequencies. Human DNA is designed with the natural lore of harmony. There’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound, music and vibration. When harmony in DNA is disrupted, it creates chaos, leading to physical, mental and emotional suffering. Disharmony and injury cause blockages throughout the electrical system. I release the blockages with skilful intuitive massage, stretching, breathing and sound techniques.
We are music. When we honour the natural harmony within, we heal, thrive and live beautifully.
The basic structure of human anatomy is cells, water and electricity.
I’m plugged into your electrical system, magnetically feeling out all the blockages and sore spots with my fingertips. Massage techniques, negotiation, manipulation and breath is how I release the pain.
No, not quite the same, but if you understand how the healing aspect works then the concept is similar. Reiki is channeling universal energy, I can read electrical frequency in the body with my fingertips, my hands follow the pain and I release through breath and movement. You will feel significant and positive changes instantly.
It’s ancient knowledge, suppressed by the education system and the pharmaceutical industry. It’s an alternative solution, outside of mainstream health practises.
Positive energy knows exactly what to do naturally. Negative energy in the body is toxic and stagnates into blockages. Energy Medicine is about removing the blockages so healing frequency can move freely throughout the body.
Perhaps you’ve noticed the time is 11.11, this is a master number signifying intuition, insight and enlightenment, it means you are spiritually awakening and in alignment with your life journey.
Authenticity, Love and Compassion are the highest frequencies. When you are aligned and vibrating in these high frequencies anything is possible.
Exploration and expansion, questioning everything outside of religion and academics, how we react and how others and their actions affect our core being. Spiritual knowledge is knowing what is true within ourselves through our own personal experience, pushing through the programming of ‘beleif systems’. Belief and what we believe is only a perception, but what we know for real, is our awareness, accepting guidance through spirit, our expression of being true, within.
26 years ago I studied Remedial Massage at Endeavour College in SA and discovered my passion and natural abilities. Every massage I do with the intention of knowledge. I’m always learning and expanding, the body is the best teacher.
I don’t have a provider number. Intuitive Massage is freestyle incorporating many modalities uncategorised by government standards. Keep in mind, you may have multiple visits with other ‘registered’ practitioners for issues that I can solve in one visit.
This is an individual experience combining a system of skilfully developed techniques to relieve pain, realign and reset the mind.
Intuitive Bioelectric Massage Therapy is everything to do with the electrical frequency that is everywhere in our existence. The cells in our body are conductors for positive and negative electrical currants vibrating at different frequencies. The process is simple and incorporated into the massage treatment with the application of intuitively developed techniques to treat, heal and prevent pain, illness and disease. You will feel significant and positive changes instantly.
0422 176 733
30 minute massage treatments are great for working a specific area of discomfort. $50
1 – 2 hour massage treatments are very thorough. I work through all the layers, liberating your body from toxins, old injuries and connective tissue damage. $100
We are not hindered or limited by time constraints, we flow in freeform, allowing the healing process to align and attune in its own time.
STRICTLY NON SEXUAL please do NOT ask me for a ‘happy ending’.